Secret Santa 2024
Whether or not there truly is a mosquito god, we must all bow down to the Loxy.

I'll be on today and a lot of the weekend, so I'll be around. <:
<aracoon> we have been asking about your middle name all night
<hampa> 420
I can get ingame at around 2 hours from now. Lets meet ingame or shit.

Also who is volare again?
Buying/Selling heads by great artists? Shoot me a PM
Originally Posted by HolyButler View Post
I can get ingame at around 2 hours from now. Lets meet ingame or shit.

Also who is volare again?

One of the founders of the clan you're in. Thanks for remembering me. I'm going to go cry in a corner. ;_;
<aracoon> we have been asking about your middle name all night
<hampa> 420
Originally Posted by HolyButler View Post
You didn't read the white text, right.

Such noob

I don't see any white text you noob. Don't be silly.
<aracoon> we have been asking about your middle name all night
<hampa> 420
I have a date sunday and I might hang out with volare.
looks like we're a clan ful of skippers.
I may have to skip as my grandma and I can't get out of our driveway :f the ice is too stronk.
Originally Posted by Volare View Post
I don't see any white text you noob. Don't be silly.

Dude, are you a mosquito god or what
Oh and get the pussy this time aracoon
Last edited by HolyButler; Feb 7, 2014 at 02:56 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Buying/Selling heads by great artists? Shoot me a PM
seriously thinking volare is the mosquito god.
seriously thinking that he better change his avatar to a picture of squitoman later.
we're just going to the movies butler
what do you guys think, should we host a tourney or a betting server?
Last edited by Aracoon; Feb 7, 2014 at 03:00 PM.
Betting server all the way.$$$

also, volare is one of the mosquito gods. The legend says that there are 3 of them, namely 420, blaze and it.

All three are dangerous, can cause mild autism or horse AIDS on contact
Buying/Selling heads by great artists? Shoot me a PM
Ok, lets first appriciate the holy number of the pages
Oh and yea, bet bet bet
We should name the server MGbets