Christmas Lottery
unless ur like a black belt who changed his name or ur awesome at gameplay
so post ur peplays and we'll see
Mei fati dominus, mei animi dux
Need to PM a SMod?

Unofficial Skimmer of Discussion!

Fabula Magnus wants more able RPers!
Cataclysm is still alive?


Wiggi must love me forever now.
you are very welcome!...
please reapply when your belt matches the specifications we want here.
we will be glad to have you here then.
Originally Posted by destiny View Post
you are very welcome!...
please reapply when your belt matches the specifications we want here.
we will be glad to have you here then.

Ok thank you =D
Fav Mod:Aikido,Jousting,Sambo
Best Mod:Aikido
Why u want to join:Very Cool Clan
If u want to join [HUNTERS] please fill this form:
Name:Lucas Lugão Guimarães
Belt : Black
Fav Mod: Judo
Best Mod: Judo
GMT: -3
Why u want to join:
my english is terrible, but, i want to join because i never lose hope!
Msn Or Yahoo:
[email protected]
Hm, me and Ray have faced him before and he has a lot of potential. From what I have seen from him, he is pretty good at fighting.

But before I suggest letting you in, you need to post some good replays, 2 SIngle Player and 2 Multiplayer will do.

And if you do get accepted you need to promise to be active in forums!