Secret Santa 2024
I really hate begging, especially when I am affected by it.

The conditions that I Pmed you are strictly followed. Any violation will be suspened from buying from me.
I'm sorry to inform that AKP is going to college and he won't be active as often. I am closing this for now until he gets back online. I'll make my own TC shop in a moment or if not, tomorrow.

Please be Redirected Here
Last edited by Numb; Aug 10, 2009 at 12:07 PM.
what are the rules of payment...
i only pay once i recieve... is that ok ? :$

my e-mail is [email protected]

if my mode of payment i would like 200k so 20$ will be sent
please reply
Hey for 1$ Can you give me 15k TC or 10kTC
Last edited by AccountBuyer; Sep 25, 2009 at 05:38 PM. Reason: Forget to give dollar number