dude....scars would have them for ever unless you get a scar removal....2k or something in the shops...sounds cool....but what if i get "Lead piped" in the butt (as in smacked with a lead pipe just to clarify)....and people saw it....LOL
Originally Posted by
Vamp, i barely understood half of what you said. What the heck are you talking about?
its irrelevant now, as people say it would kill the see, servers have data uploaded than downloaded by games....and toribash's servers cant handle information from 4 people at once....apparently
allow me to explane:
pretend your on one of these computers playing toribash, you send the fact that you extended your knee to the server which sends it to the other comps to lets say im against you...well i upload the information that Ive retracted my right arm to the server and that goes to all the other players also....and as war hero is saying the server cant take in and send out the info from more than 2 players....which means either that its using a crappy server or the files are huge....which makes no sense because unless i don't understand how this quite works, toribash should write notepad documents....which add up to about 1kb - 1000kb files....although i guess that would double if you had twice as many players.....such a cluttered code.
now that im done any assumptions that im willing to make, can someone answer something for me?
if its true what i say, and toribash uploads the equivalent of an .rpl file to the server for every match....does that rpl file constantly get updated or is it uploading a new .rpl every turnframe? because that could make all the difference
pretty bad when you type so much crap you need to point out whats important...
Last edited by Vamp_09; Aug 12, 2009 at 02:18 PM.