Originally Posted by Dafe View Post
Which line is 170? Make sure you didn't turn it nil.

the second line of:
r1 = string.find(Llist[i]," ",r2+1,true)
funny the first one works
Makesure none of the hooks are the same (in the seperate scripts) each other then try making a new .lua file and putting:
I fixed it, but have a new problem, I just edited my above post (go ^ 2 posts)
Last edited by Nuyashaki; Feb 15, 2008 at 08:56 PM.
Originally Posted by RicH View Post
Can I use LUA to detect if a body part of the player is hit?

Not directly. You can check proximity between body parts/joints and check if a player's score has increased since the last frame.
Radioactive torso's description should be, "You have cancer like wow."