Christmas Lottery
How bout a Christmas Blowout party that costs 1k to get in
1. We will have famous people come to it (to get others attention)
2. It's like a tourney but the Winner gets 75% of the donations/entry fee
3. I like applesauce
Originally Posted by StellarGod View Post
How bout a Christmas Blowout party that costs 1k to get in
1. We will have famous people come to it (to get others attention)
2. It's like a tourney but the Winner gets 75% of the donations/entry fee
3. I like applesauce

Is a nice event :3
1.We can make the thread
2.Nice idea
idk so much about the 1k
entry fee, that sounds kinda
dumb...but we could hold a
series of tourneys, that would
be cool. kinda like a grand
tournament or something.
like we could hold four or eight
tourneys at the same time,
whoever won first place and
second place in the first and
second tourneys fight eachother
in the next match, whoever
won first and second in the
third and fourth tourneys would
fight, and whoever won first
and second places in the fifth
and sixth tourneys will fight
eachother in the next match,
etc. this is long....

and we keep narrowing it down
until we have an ultimate first
place winner and an ultimate
second place winner who recieve
an uber grand prize.
oh and for every match that is
held against a first place winner
and a second place winner,
the person who wins that match
will be given a small prize.

IF we do this, we could make a
thread where people apply to join
in the tourneys, we would also
need to plan this out well. We
could probably do this if we can
find a time of the month (preferably
christmas week) when everyone
in the clan is active.

such a long post...fingers tired...
Like the toribash tournament?

1)Maybe 5 mods. Mybe judo, wushu, aikido, Tk, and lenshu
2)Total 5 tourneys and the winners of that advance to semi finals later finals, no?
3)in the finals maybe the first to reach 10 wins, Win the grand prize

Like that?..............
no like dees:

This is just an example and it's kinda sloppy,
but this could be the template for the bracket.

we could let the clans that are participating
make their own brackets with this template,
which they fill in the starting teams and guess
who is going to win what matches, for every
cell that they guess correct, they win a prize