Originally Posted by
Oh it is, trust me :P
Via mechanically altering the brain.
Hell, even perception of the world can be altered to something totally different.
It will begin to happen in the next 100-200 years I'm sure.
Right now most people think of it as science fiction, though.
My bad - I assumed you mean suppressing them naturally. You're right here, btw, more like 50 years xd
Originally Posted by
Well if you define power that broadly than pretty much anything anyone ever does is linked to power. Want to eat? That's a lust for dominance over pain brought by the hunger, or lust for dominance over feeling hungry. But it's a stretch, imo.
To a small extent one could see it like that - but the lust for power, in my view, strives for self perfection, not in a physical, but rather a mental sense. In that quest it looks to the outside to reassure the inside. Dominance over others results in an increase of self-confidence for most people - dominance over knowledge results in the same - dominance over life results in the same and in the ability to even start such an activity - dominance over ones hunger does so too, but to a lesser extent. However, hunger is not there because we think of it as a drive for self-confidence, that would be obscure, hunger serves to tell the body "you need to replenish your energy, eat food for that".
Originally Posted by
Or perhaps he has a strong lust for power over his current state (life) and his survival instincts, and would rather be dead, hehe.
That's a common dellusion - religous or otherwise - that being dead will allow you mastery over life - it's one of the things that drive people to suicide.
Originally Posted by
Anyway - now that it's clear your definition of power is rather unusual/broad, i somewhat agree. But it's odd to link everything to power. Would you call a lust for physical pleasure a "lust for power over feeling displeasure"? -- it's awkward. I'd rather keep it separate categories.
Well I like to think of humans as having two drives - the sexual and the lust for power, often the two overlap, since sex also entails in some cases as dominance over the partner.
Originally Posted by
Depends on the quality of said intercourse :P
Usually i can consciously analyze what events make me feel one way or the other.
But your unconscious mind doesn't give you the answers directly - and how do you know your conscious mind just made a mistake? You can say with certain precision with educated guesses, but what if your feelings at that point stem from repressed thoughts?\
@New Odlov's post, too lazy to quote;
Go ahead, knock yourself out, I kind of meant that xd
Last edited by Deprived_OLD; Oct 15, 2009 at 02:45 AM.