Now that I have enough TC, I'm on the market for a texture set.
1. Overall Look- it needs to match this head:
2. Price Range- I have 125k right now, but I have several sales and auctions up, so I promise that whatever amount of TC I have when you finish will be yours. Also, keep in mind that that head cost roughly 30k (it was purchased with a signature and avatar from you about a month ago for 60k total).
3. Colors- Titan and Gladiator
4. In depth details of how you want it.- I want it to look like a zombie, same style as the head, with tattered clothing, with loose flesh and bones sticking out in places. (Titan skin and Gladiator bones, with clothing color being whatever you think will match)
5. (Excess)-I'd like a partial ribcage for the chest textures, with a shrivelled-up heart on the left pec texture, and I'd like you to keep the whole "zombie viking" theme going with an animal skin-looking vest and claws for fingernails, if that's possible. Remember that by the time you finish I may have about 200k, so make it epic quality, same as the head.
For a bit of creative spark in terms of reference:
And throw in whatever you think looks nice. I will provide the head flat if you need it to work on the rest of the set.