Original Post
ProtoType Art-Mania! Tens of thousands of tc being given away! Over 100k!
k, so we need a new clan logo and roster, and we need a clan video, and we need a clan pic.

For the clan pic, include these people:
MurraY, Nick96, EeE33, sprytryne, sampandora, and DjPz. They can be made using GIMP or Photoshop, or a 3D program such as Blender or CS4.

For the Roster, include:
Roster, Elite Members, Senior Members, Members, and Recruits.


Clan Pic
1st: 90k


Logo: 25k
Roster: 10k

Clan Vid:

We might need one, we might not, it all depends, feel free to take a crack at it, but these will be opened or closed later.

Any questions, post here.

End date: March 1st
Last edited by Nathan; Feb 24, 2010 at 05:23 PM.
T1cux: clan have eggs.
lol i know but for now would u like me to do

Elite Members, Senior members, etc. all on ONE picture instead of one ranking on 3 different pictures.

So Elite Members would be one pic
Senior members would be on pic

So forth and so on
Originally Posted by MurraY View Post
I'm gonna limit it to either the cig or the glasses, but not both, sorry. This could turn in to a situation where all the members are asking for add-ons, in which case I would also tell him not to include yours or our extras, including theirs to prevent people getting angry.

Glasses. And Ill send you the PM dei
<Insert Cucumer here>
I think you left out sprytryne. If not him, someone.

Oh, and, you messed up on EeE's right leg texture. You made it a bumpmap instead of a GUI. (I think)
T1cux: clan have eggs.
Originally Posted by MurraY View Post
I think you left out sprytryne. If not him, someone.

Oh, and, you messed up on EeE's right leg texture. You made it a bumpmap instead of a GUI. (I think)

Yes, I missed sampandora sorry, adding.

And no I didn't. He has a left leg bumpmap and a right leg texture. I applied them how they were in his custom folder.
A bumpmap texture without texture normally doesnt work, I can remove it, If you/he want to.
Fixed version:

Can be rendered in every resolution.
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