Join date: I joined in January 2009.
Belt: I'm 6 Dan Black Belt.
References: Carl and Tart spoke to me about this clan.
Replays/Art: Watch Below.
Favourite mod: Aikido, Taekkyon, Betabox.
Why you wish to join: I want to join because this clan is a good opportunity to me. I tried to join in the past, when I was a Black belt, but probably I wan't good enough. Now I became better, and I think I can try again.
Why we should let you join: I think you should let me join because I think I can contribuite to this clan, for money bank (When I'll have some money, now I'm poor)and for another member.
Do you have access to IRC?: Yes, I have Mirc, then I'm very active on it.
Past history: 4 Infraction and 1 Ban...My past clan are Hybrid, Jolly Roger, 42, VIP, Fr3styL.
Real life Name: Davide Simonetti
Past positions of power: I'm not an Admin or Mod.
Other: I'm Italian, I'm 14 years old and I live near Florence. When I found this game, I fallen in love it.
There is the replays.