Okay he go to church with my lil brother and they are relly good friends so yes your in and an elite you will be taking jtj places cause he has not posted if he does there will be 4 elites but no more then that.

Zolifun and zerith are you the same person or not. if no then you both can be in
Last edited by Adam; Apr 23, 2010 at 01:44 PM.
are you serious well zerith post What belt you are. Ill put you on the members list as an elite. There is only gonning to be 4 elites atm.
Last edited by Adam; Apr 23, 2010 at 05:28 PM.
Brad not to be mean but as soon as someone posts to join you say if theyre in I mean I'm co leader shouldnt we make some descisions together?

Btw this might make me a hippicrit but im trying to find a good banner for the clan :P

Can you guys pm me you acheivement card links so i can make a awesome members list? ty
Last edited by airstrike6; Apr 23, 2010 at 09:58 PM.
Belt: 2nd dan
Rank: 1246
Special Talents: flying
Fav Mods: aikido, classic
Reason for wanting to join: I need friends
Previous Clan: ---
User Name: johnyswdn
Three replays: I didn't save any replays
Last edited by johnyswdn; Apr 24, 2010 at 01:20 PM.