I'm so RAGED now!!! >:|
Me and my class decided to go on a trip for the day, but it was raining too much so our teacher let us go to the cinema. We watched Robin Hood >.> It was a boring film. So me and another guy decided to go on Nightmare on Elm street after it with some girls (With the girl I like btw) so I didn't have money and my friend said he will buy me one and I will give back his money the next day. Another friend started to whine so he would make me ride with him to home. I was thinking some 5 minutes to go to the cinema again or going to ride home with my friend. I made my mind to go to the cinema and that asshole who whined said he will go to the film with my friends money. I was standing there and watching how he goes away and says "I'm really sorry for You" and laughing. He knew that I like that girl and it means a lot to me just to go to the cinema with her.
I just really hate him now.