Attention affei hade to much coffee alot of informations here.
Yea matt is right.
I already heard that too . damnit i forgot that sry Dex ..
Also Dex 10$ isnt really much or..but its stupid because you bought it and you wasted the 10$ ..iam sry for you.
I thought Selling or trading Toriprimes is forbidden but i just read this
and now i know that it is allowed.
This is the only way to get Tp whitout paypal if sombody send/transfers it too me.
I would ask but i cant get it at all because 10$ would be more than 100k and iam not able to give out that much.
And ingame money and real money is for me a big difference because 10€(euro) woudlnt hurt me in real live but 100-200k ingame would be really stupid too give away For toriprime because i cant get 100-200k so fast ingame , you know i cant use the paypal so i cant buy tc.
I already asked in the suggestions threads about buying toriprime or a higher booster whit tc but they dont want because .
Originally Posted by Admin
If we would sell higher booster for tc the peoble would get to rich because everytime you got 100k you could buy a booster earn more and buy another higher booster to earn more and more again.
Boosters whit tc
He didnt said anything about the Toriprime but anyways he is right.
I really understand the toribash community and the whole admins it would be really annoying if everybody would have 1mill or somthing because a really good texture set from Vermine cost 200-300k but if you would have 1mill or more those 200k wouldnt hurt you and you would just buy everything.
Toriprime whit tc
If we could buy the toriprime whit the tc it would be annoying too because everyone could buy it i mean ok maby it coast around 200k than but 200k isnt really much if you know how to sell your stuff (art,texture,items) on the market and buy more rare items whit the money you already earned and sell them again for higher prizes.
Remember the promopacks you could buy them , but now they are gone but there are peoble who own the promopack because the bought them and now because you cant get them anymore they are Ub3r rare and you can sell a Demon pack for around 1.3 - 2.0 mill on market.
Than you would have enought too buy the Toriprime twice or more.
Also toriprime is a cool item because there are not alot peoble if you think about how great the Toribash Community is.
I hope now everybody understand why its hard to live whitout Paypal.
Last edited by affei; May 28, 2010 at 09:24 AM.