I really dont thinks its magic.

But if he has been fasting for about 70 years, I find that impossible because he would have died the first couple of days when he started. It could be some kind of religion but this sounds almost impossible to live through.
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020
Originally Posted by Bloobing View Post
It doesnt even make sense. If he is some sort of "God" that you people believe in... Why would he just sit in a forest? Why would he not do anything at all?

It is to make example of how important all the business humanity occupies it's time with is.
SuicideDo, the Brewtal Drunken Immortal.
I'm going to side with the half of you screaming "HOAX" on this one...
I honestly can not see that happening.
Human willpower can be a powerful thing, as some great mediators have shown us, but this is simply impossible (As of now). And if he was in a forest for 70 years, who's to say he didn't live off the land? Where there cameras watching him the whole time? I highly doubt it...
this man is not unique in his claim, many people from all over the world have been making the "feed only on air claim" for years, the facts are none have ever been validated or confermed by ligitamate medical experts (who do not have a vested interest in there decision), and people have actualy died attempting to pull this stunt off(look them up in The Darwin Awards, the deaths are confirmed by legit sources).
Originally Posted by Odlov View Post
This is completely fake - a publicity stunt.
Not eating or drinking for 70 years is not structurally possible, regardless of willpower.
The air doesn't have enough water to sustain the human body, even if one were to process tons each day.

He was tested before, that man, and started rapidly losing weight after only 10 days.

Read paragraph 2nd from last.

I disagree. I wont tell you i believe in werewolfs and that crap but i do believe that the human race is capable of evolving into something else, and i think that if he truely does believe that a god touched his tongue, or whatever else it is than that might be enough to push an evolutionary change into fruition.... kind of like "mind over matter" but on more of a subconscious level.

Look at that i presented a possible scientific reason for why your "miracle" has occurred, i mean lets face it, even if this was a hoax and he's only been fasting for the last little while, that still doesn't explane how he survived in the hospital... not to mention the reporters have no reason to lie, Anyone could just go and watch this guy fast for a month or two. Im sure he would have been pronounced a fake by now if he was.
Technical Old School. - It exists.
obviously fake your stomach would start eating its self
after 4 weeks without food after your excess fat is gone
Originally Posted by Vamp_09 View Post
I disagree. I wont tell you i believe in werewolfs and that crap but i do believe that the human race is capable of evolving into something else, and i think that if he truely does believe that a god touched his tongue, or whatever else it is than that might be enough to push an evolutionary change into fruition.... kind of like "mind over matter" but on more of a subconscious level.

I don't care how far humanity evolves, they will never be able to go without sustenance for 70 years and be active. It is an impossibility.

Originally Posted by Vamp_09 View Post
Look at that i presented a possible scientific reason for why your "miracle" has occurred,

No you didn't. You made some bullshit about some god induced evolution.

Originally Posted by Vamp_09 View Post
i mean lets face it, even if this was a hoax and he's only been fasting for the last little while, that still doesn't explane how he survived in the hospital...

Complicated hoax, magic believing savages (inb4racist), dodgy testing methods, tampered results etc. are all far more likely answers to this 'miracle'.

Originally Posted by Vamp_09 View Post
not to mention the reporters have no reason to lie, Anyone could just go and watch this guy fast for a month or two. Im sure he would have been pronounced a fake by now if he was.

Sensational report = more people buying the newspaper (or wherever it was first published) = more money. Very simple marketing ploy.
And the earth is flat and change is impossible.

It could just as well be true.
No way to experience the watertight proof of it though.
"I dissaprove of what you say, but i will defend to the death your right to say it"
Originally Posted by Squiziph View Post
And the earth is flat and change is impossible.

It could just as well be true.
No way to experience the watertight proof of it though.

even though 99.9% point towards a cry for attention before he kicks the bucket?

I guess your right, 0.01% could be true, except for the fact that you can't live without water for 5 days at most, that's scientificly proven.

Scientificly proven>religous theory.
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say