Hi, less than 1 hour to post your questions before voting starts. Voting will last for 24 hours and I will then get in contact with as many admins, devs and ninjas as possible.
You can vote here: http://www.slainvet.net/vote.php
However, I have not made it very clever, and I will probably ignore any question which clearly has too many votes - so only vote for 3 or 5 questions, even if you can vote for them all, as many times as you like.
Question suggestions are no longer being taken. You can now vote on the available questions for the next 24 hours, and then the top 20 questions will be asked to all the admins, ninjas, devs, ex-admins and ex-devs.
You can vote here: http://www.slainvet.net/vote.php
However, I have not made it very clever, and I will probably ignore any question which clearly has too many votes - so only vote for 3 or 5 questions, even if you can vote for them all, as many times as you like.