a man is only allowed to marry 4 times if he is helping a widow or a poor woman who is a dependant. and the talk abt all laws being based on the Quran, thats wrong. i agree that the ppl say that but most of our laws arent.

and if ur judging Islam by the illiterate population who know nothing. then its ur choice.
it would be more appropriate to judge by urself reading the Quran or looking at the literate ones.
Can't a man help a poor family without just marrying their mother or a woman?!
I'm not saying that their laws are really based on Quran, but these laws are made by the interference of religion in politics.
What i say is that religion should be put apart from politics. Religion must be a tradition, not a law.
This^ is the problem we have in Islamic Republic of Iran.... and what do you think that happen if we stand against this dictator regime?! they say that they are against Islam,so we kill them and that happened one year ago. they killed people who were protesting in streets just looking for freedom and democracy.
:(){ :|: & };:
first read this.

u say all laws are based on the Quran. well they're not. only leaders say that to further their own career.

a man is allowed to marry 4 women ONLY on the terms that he is helping them. For eg. a widow whose husband has died and she has kids to look after but cant cause she cant find a job or she's poor.

if u judge Islam by the ppl who use its name in wrong doings or use to it feed their pockets then ur wrong. if u so want to judge Islam then read the Quran
select the last option and read the Quran.
other contreits have diffrent rules and law to what we are use to.

we uused to stone people to death in the 1500's
there was:
hung, drawn and quarterd,
hung to death,
death of 1000 cuts,
a life a slavery,
or chaind to a tree and left to die.

this is england by the way.
Originally Posted by Shemen View Post
honestly some religions are just plain dang out of order....fanatics

psst.... all religions are
proof (at least for the ones somebody's gonna yell at me about)

It's ironic because if there were a heaven and hell, 90% of people involved in the stoning would go to heaven. why? they do what they honestly think is right.

should anyone go to hell for doing what they believe is morally correct?
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