Thre are atm 3 superpowers : USA, EMU (European monetary union) and Japan.
All the 3 super economics got the world highest public welfare level.
Well the US is after serious problems. There is a big need to invest into industrial technologies - USA is the only one country (of the G20) who was not able to accept the Kyoto protocol cuz of that. But USA got a realy big export (The USA export feeds the EU supply) and also the worlds bigest manpower productivity (cuz of a big education level).
Japan got the best technology applicated in the industry. Also the agriculture is supported by the developing countries. Japan got the bigest average "work hours" per person per year. In average every adult person in Japan works 2100 hours per year (in USA its only 1900 and EMU 1850). Also the car industry started to grow faster and faster (1 of the factors that killed US General Motors). But the economic growth boost was stoped by the realpropety crisis..
Yea the 16 countries of the 27 countries of EU. 1 currency and 1 central bank and internal stability of the countries created the 3rd world superpower EMU, with the bigest population and bigest GNP of the 3 big ones.
hmm there is 1 problem,
If 1 country makes troublesevery of the other 15 countrys will eat that sht..
Many countryes got big problems with the public debt (Greece, Italy, Ireland) and that is a break for the economy growth. Also there is still a language barrier and huge differences between the countries.
Yea China got the bigest population,and also one of the bigest exports. But the education level is extreme low - only 25% of the population (age 30yrs+) got a hischool graduation. For example at EMU, more than 30% of the population (age 30yrs+) got a College/University diplom.
Also Chinas political system is a big minus to the public welfare level.
Which Country will Succeed the US as the next Superpower?
All the 3 superpowers - USA Japan and EMU will stay as superpowers.
Maybe EMU will gain the leadership after 10-15 years,for the next 50 years.
China needs a revolution,and the revolution will come - from the outside (will be forced by other countries and organisations) or inside (rebels, population).
sorry for my grammar its 1:02 a.m. here
Last edited by Master2; Jul 21, 2010 at 01:04 AM.