Christmas Lottery
well if find out what she likes talk about that and sometimes just go out on a limb and say wat ever and if shes into that just stay in that convo
Ninja was here
Originally Posted by jetsnix View Post
dood, im with my first girlfriend thats been with me for over a month :3 to be honest, im in love.. heres a tip, if you really really like her, and she likes you back the same way, you will work out together, BUT relationships=fights, she will be mad at you sometimes..definently you will question your relationship at one point...relationships=devoting part of your everyday life to this one 'oh im going out to dinner with my family. 'WHATT I WANTED TO SEE YUH TODAY.... -_- fine, true...i guess im not the #1 priority in your life..' If you really love her though, you should be fine..and if shees being mean to you or doing something that pisses you off, dont hesitate to make her know that, (dont scream at her, or BEAT HER, but talk to her) relationships depend on three things, love, communications, and trust. Good luck bro :]

yea thanks man.
to be honest 'love,communications, and trust'
is mainly what you need to have if your not going
to live singly for your life.

And gollum we havnt been together for long
and good luck to you with d.a.f.
Moderator of your Shadow
` Unforgiven `
man i feel bad about putting that bounty on your head now
your'e way awesomer than me
i havent had the guts to ask a girl out yet
nearly screwed up the courage, then school ended for the year
Obviously not a kamikaze platypus.
Don't press the DEATH BUTTON!
everybody except 2worlds and ray (and others I can't remember) need to shut up because giving advice on something you know nothing about is retarded. It's like me giving tampon advice to girls.
A certain recluse, I know not who, once said that no bonds attached him to this life, and the only thing he would regret leaving was the sky.
Originally Posted by gollum21 View Post
man i feel bad about putting that bounty on your head now
your'e way awesomer than me
i havent had the guts to ask a girl out yet
nearly screwed up the courage, then school ended for the year

nah man all goods.
im change it and anyway the bounty speaks
the truth in most mods.
oh well there is always next year and you go to
school so you have more to choose from.
and jim if you can't put up with it then leave.
Last edited by BANCHIERE; Dec 21, 2010 at 05:12 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Moderator of your Shadow
` Unforgiven `
jim YOU KNOW NOTHING AS WELL talking about slap your cock around her face the f*** are you talking about YOU KNOW NOTHING BUT SEX -.- i mean like what is wrong with you xD
and banc is she good or evil and is she fat or fit?
Last edited by link1020; Dec 21, 2010 at 05:21 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by BANCHIERE View Post
Yes we like each other, Just that i never know what to talk about
and i dont want to say the wrong things.
Ok, im seeing her tomorow so ill try just being myself.
Im just nervous thats all.

I have the same problem with my current one, i have been going out with her for about a year now, and we are both a little on the shy side, but we both told our self, if we really love each other like we say we do, we can get over that, and work on becoming more social with each other, and its been one long year, and its been one of the best, like a lot of the others say, if you can't be yourself around her, its not gonna work.... you need someone who you can be around and be yourself no matter what.. on what to say, is not a problem, well not for me anyways, im not really sure but i always seem to say what they like, and its weird because i know exactly what they like to say, and it works towards my advantage. But what you say, come from the heart, and do just that, don't make things up so she likes you more, it just comes back to bite you on the butt, end of story.. Well hope your first date, works out good.
