Again, I completely agree, but it still runs into problems. Such as the multiculturalism sprouting up in Western countries; some minorities feel their group is being suppressed, and it's their "right" to hold onto their culture/religion/views even though they chose to move away from them. But again, different issue.
The problem with filtering out hazards, is it's just that those in power, as you said, hold their own view of right and wrong, of personal "rights and responsibilities". If they've been given the power to decide, then anyone who holds different views can be prosecuted. Take the witch hunts back in the day, or the 'holy' wars going on today.
Well, modern Western democracies are founded on principles of freedom and equal opportunity, which is precisely why they attract so many immigrants. Are modern Western laws better than, say, Sharia law? Its a matter of opinion, and I can bet my balls most people in the world would agree.
Ok, care to advance a model of society that completely avoids that problem?
There will always be people who dislike a particular moral and legal framework of a country. Im sure you don't disagree with ALL laws of your country (like isolating serial rapist murderers).
Humans are animals. An animal will not feed a stranger when he himself wants food. Animals compete for territory and like power. The difference between animals and us is that we do it the smart and witty way. We can blow shit up for instance. People seem to have this funny notion that people are these corrupt and evil beigns but at the end we are just doing what nature tells us to do. We survive.
No humans are not animals. Can any other animal do calculus and trigonometry to form a building that reaches the sky, or can an animal turn a normal piece of paper into a masterpiece that mesmerizes all that look upon it, can an animal split the atoms of a molecule, creating vast amounts of energy enough to wipe out entire civilizations? God I certainly hope not or we'd all be screwed! I think no, lifeforms cannot be equal or else we'd have antelopes eating lions among other things. But then again when a lion dies it becomes the grass, therefore, antelopes do actually eat lions creating a chain that we all know as the circle of life. so i pose this question. Can a circle be even and have equal sides, and where exactly do we "mankind" fit on that circle?
No humans are not animals. Can any other animal do calculus and trigonometry to form a building that reaches the sky, or can an animal turn a normal piece of paper into a masterpiece that mesmerizes all that look upon it, can an animal split the atoms of a molecule, creating vast amounts of energy enough to wipe out entire civilizations? God I certainly hope not or we'd all be screwed! I think no, lifeforms cannot be equal or else we'd have antelopes eating lions among other things. But then again when a lion dies it becomes the grass, therefore, antelopes do actually eat lions creating a chain that we all know as the circle of life. so i pose this question. Can a circle be even and have equal sides, and where exactly do we "mankind" fit on that circle?