Duhh. It's most probably likely there are other species in the Universe.
Think of our galaxy. We are a tiny blot on the massive spiral galaxy. Search the famous "Hubble Deep Field" image. Look how many galaxies are there in that tiny, tiny, tiny piece of space. Millions of millions of stars in each galaxy, some smaller, some bigger.
I think Earth planets would be very rare. It's luck really, but life can probably survive in much harsher conditions than ours, we have proof that bacteria can survive extreme conditions.
Also, I believe a planet can also have all the same elements as ours, same mass, same pressure but don't have life present. I think life on Earth was created in a tidepool or something similar from a reaction of lightning of a negatively charged and positively charged cloud contacted and struck on a point where carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen were present... so it's all different factors really.
So, to sum it up. Aliens exist? Most definitely yes, if not yet, then I don't see why them millions of nebulaes slowly over time can not form their own system with planets to create life.
Aliens visited here? Well, I hope so. If they were more advanced than us, can travel (which I have no idea if you can, doesn't make sense), all that stuff... but if there were aliens and they were superiorly advanced to us, why would they want to contact us? If an alien ship landed for example, our first reaction is primitive. We would be sending military and be sending a hostile reaction. If you look on the global scale, we are at war with ourselves still, after millenias. from tribes to countries. Do you really think we would be worth their time?
Essay ended. lol