grumpyman, I'll be adding spacing (out) shortly. The reason it's not there must be (I'm not sure myself) because I find it rather self-explanature: to press space=to space=spacing. As said, will add it.
Vigilante, I can't remove the other explanation of clean because it still is used. I'd really love to remove all the other explanations of a madman but my own, but it's not exactly the general norm, and even if it were, I doupt it'd completely surpass the 4 dismemberments one, among others.
CMon, I'll add shovel now, but I won't add sweeping kick / "faggot kick" yet, because that doesn't sound like something that's noobish and easy to do, but rather an elaborately difficult way to throw your enemy off balance... get me a sample replay and I'll explain it in my own words.
as for splinter wondering if it took much time, yeah, the original bunch of explanations was my first time when I logged off because of writing for too long. after that, though it's just been ten, fifteen minutes at a time, so it's not that bad.
And remember, people, I'm still looking to format the thread better, and you're very welcome to move the explanations to the wiki, too (I've already started work on that, so check if it already is there, though).