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UPDATE; I've had some lucid dreams that i only realize they're dreams at the end. For example, once i had this dream where i was scolding my pet where he grew legs and started sticking his tongue out. Underlined, in the end, is where i realized it's a dream.
Originally Posted by Vate View Post
I try to take control of it but I usually get too frightened and try as hard as I can to get out of the dream.
and sometimes I wouldnt be able to get out of the dream until I wake up naturally O.o

I think it would be a lot easier to try and change the dream into something nice rather then trying to wake yourself up.

Try thinking of something nice and spinning in circles next time (apparantly spinning in circles can change your dreamscape).
This guy was once a GameMaster
my dreams are always slightly fuzzy, like looking through a glass of water., and I don't seem to be fully aware, so REALLY weird things can be happening and I don't notice.
but i have had a couple of lucid dreams, and they were really cool.
also, I lol'ed at how much like inception this thread is sounding.
Obviously not a kamikaze platypus.
Don't press the DEATH BUTTON!
That happened to me like 1 week ago. I dreamed that I was at school and everything seemed to be like in the rela life, but I relised that I was dremaing when some of my schoolmates were actually some of m extra-school firends.

The first thing I said to myself was not to wake up. Then I imagined lots of cool things......

I don't know how much time it took, but I had the best experience of my life.
I love the feeling of being able to go beyond your own limits, but these dreams are a rarity like existing in a world of perfection. But in truth even perfection gets boring.
These dreams aren't actually that rare. As long as you practice doing them, and
in time, you can have them every night.
League of Legends NA: Locus
do you know that dreams happen in just a few seconds, rapid eye movement. The brain is a powerfull thing, action that happens in dreams in you think its one day or more actually is very short in reality. Anyway lucid dream need training but once you get to that state they are owsome ;) keep dreamming
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DEILD (Dream Exit Induced Lucid Dream)

This variation of WILD is extremely abbreviated and takes advantage of the still dreaming mind that occurs immediately after waking up. It's recommended for those who are skilled at immediately recognizing that they've woken up. It's also proved extremely useful for lengthening lucid dreams by allowing yourself to wake up and reenter it.

This night I dreamt that I used this method. I woke up and dreamt that I was in my bedroom, stayed motionless, then my vision went completely crasy (first saw an Ipod in the middle, then saw everything in pink/green), and I went back to the dream.
And you know what ? I had some moment of lucidity right after.
Last edited by vins84; May 29, 2011 at 11:41 PM.
Toriolympics - 2nd place | Fr_Death Leader |ORMO Member |
Ah, Lucid dreaming is so much fun. I've had more in my childhood, though, then after learning about them and actually trying. Mostly flying. I like flying.

I've actually been a member on a lucid dreaming forum for a small while now. Nice community, very helpful.
ಠ_ರೃ - "Quite so, good sir."
Originally Posted by Zayex View Post
I've master flying, and teleportation

And when the tough ass enemies come (my dreams are fucking intense, you don't even know.), I just go into a fetal position, close my eyes, hold my ears, and say: "Wake up"

And then I wake up

When I was younger, I used to have nightmares almost every night. I eventually trained myself to flex my abs, and it would jolt me awake. The weird thing is I recall only being able to do it at certain times. It's odd waking up, knowing you just woke yourself up from a nightmare. I'm going to try this Lucid Dreaming thing tonight, seeing ill be asleep within the hour.