Original Post
[ORMO - Weekly Events] Lockjaw
Your Objective
You may make any kind of replay you wish. HOWEVER, your wrists and ankles must be contracted for the entire replay.

Your wrists and ankles must be contracted the entire replay
Replays must be between 500-1000 frames long
You must dismember uke at least once
You may only submit 1 replay, which can be replaced before the deadline.
No mods besides default or sambo
No changing of game rules except gravity, tf, mf, self damage, and ed
You may only move your tori
Must be a new replay
No stealing, hacking, etc.

Judging will be based primarily on style. Your judge will be:


1st place: 15,000 TC
2nd place: 10,000 TC
3rd place: 5,000 TC

All replays will be due in 1 week, or Sunday morning, 0:00 GMT

If you do not understand anything, please post saying so, and if you have any ideas you want to see in a competition, feel free to pm me. Good luck!
[12:00] <fudgiebalz> toribash SUCKS
Check my ~~~Dank Replays~~~
Already been answered.
Originally Posted by Larfen View Post
@Iceage: you cannot break your own wrist, because that would count as relaxing it

Ups my mistake.. I actually meant elbow.. I thought that if dm any own joint then whole body is relaxed like one frame.
Do you know, how to do nothing and still think you're helping?
Originally Posted by Kekkonen View Post
Ups my mistake.. I actually meant elbow.. I thought that if dm any own joint then whole body is relaxed like one frame.

Well, if you edit it at the exact frame in which you dm, then you can prevent that.
Good luck to all of you competitors. I wish you all best of luck because I'm pretty sure I'm not going to win (: