Hey guys, been kinda inactive, Christmas and New Year so lots of design for me to do for the company I work for.
I'll be fully back by the first week of 2015, so see you there!
Hey, I'm leaving on tomorrow night I shall be on my way to that ugly city called London....
I'll be going Via night bus that has wifi so I won't atually be inactive wowwow, and I'll have internet accses basically all the time. but yeah, I'll be away for like four days tomorrow night.
Going through slight depression. I'm not sure if I'm going to be inactive yet, so I guess it's better to say I'm in a limboish state. I'll post here if I go away for a little.
Probably won't be active as I was on tl;dr as certain feels for a certain person has fucked my life up a fair amount.
I'll try post when I can, but no promises.