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View Poll Results: do you think it is better to have a gf? or be single?
131 Votes / 60.09%
87 Votes / 39.91%
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It depends on how are you feeling, if you are looking to have a serious relationship then get a girlfriend.

If you want just to get laid then stay as a single.
no alan my girlfriend and me and her 2 best friends had a 4 way.

I learned how to after watching many pornos and doing what they do, the girls were all over me. It works kiddos, try it.
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
Originally Posted by 2worlds View Post
no alan my girlfriend and me and her 2 best friends had a 4 way.

I learned how to after watching many pornos and doing what they do, the girls were all over me. It works kiddos, try it.

If srs: +rep. Much respect.
If not: Not surprised.

Anyway girlfriend all the way.
I love being single, the only thing you need to deal with is the little bullshit things of girls. And then just trying to get laid.
But being in a relationship just has like...more meaning. I like having a girl that I have a ton in common with and talk to about all the little shit that pisses me off. Another + would be that she knows you very well. Which comes in handy in many situations.

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Got back with a old girlfriend around 4 weeks ago, it's going pretty swell so far.
I don't get why people actually care wether people have girlfriends, or are virgins, on the internet? I mean seriously, who really actually cares? nobody. It's just trolls being trolls. I could write i'm a 42 year old hippie from afghanistan with a eyepatch and you would probably not believe me, or I could tell you i'm a regualar 16 year old teenager(Which is the true one, btw) and my hormones are going nuts, and there is a possibility you will still not believe me. Of course alot of us are not going to be virgins, there are sluts in this world, you know(And alot of them, at that). Obviously hormone-crazed teens would take advantage of this situation. Infact, i'd say it's quite common, considering a 13 year old girl from my neighbourhood just had a baby boy yesterday.
Last edited by Fivah; Jul 27, 2011 at 11:47 PM.
Back for good.
I recently got a new gf, and I have like five girls who like me...and my ex sent me a pic of her ass...I think itz better to have a gf than too be single. Also don't impress them by doing somethung cool, do something sweet and caring for a change, win her heart over ;) it doesn't hurt to say I love u babe, or I think ur wonderful just the way u r...soo just win her heart over, and it'll work out fine
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Originally Posted by Alan View Post
It depends on how are you feeling, if you are looking to have a serious relationship then get a girlfriend.

If you want just to get laid then stay as a single.

In response, i quote this line from a webvideo:

Originally Posted by Michael J. Caboose, from Red Vs Blue
My Dad once told me: "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free."

lol jk

But seriously, I like the idea of having a girlfriend and all the romaticism, but when I think about all the responsibility that comes with it...

Originally Posted by Treacky View Post
ITT: people acting like they know what they are talking about, admit it, everyone is virgin in this thread.

Sex does not make a better person.

So there's nothing wrong ith being a virgin.
It's nothing wrong, you're just missing out all the fun that's all ;p

Anyways having a gf is better than being single. Sure it has it's ups and downs, but it's a good feeling knowing you got somebody there for you that you can count on. Being single also has its bonuses but in the end it's not enough.
I am 18.

Had my first kiss at 9 yrs old.

Dated 5 girls.

Dumped em bitchez.

I am single and ready to min- ahh nevermind.
I play games and lift weights.
Well firstly I'm not a virgin and yeah having sex is great but if its not with someone you love then it has so little meaning... I prefer being in a relationship because I like the romanticism and having someone who you can tell everything and they tell you everything... You can talk and have fun and be best friends aswell as all the physical stuff like sex and kissing and all that...