Got back with a old girlfriend around 4 weeks ago, it's going pretty swell so far.
I don't get why people actually care wether people have girlfriends, or are virgins, on the internet? I mean seriously, who really actually
cares? nobody. It's just trolls being trolls. I could write i'm a 42 year old hippie from afghanistan with a eyepatch and you would probably not believe me, or I could tell you i'm a regualar 16 year old teenager(Which is the true one, btw) and my hormones are going nuts, and there is a possibility you will still not believe me. Of course alot of us are not going to be virgins, there are sluts in this world, you know(And alot of them, at that). Obviously hormone-crazed teens would take advantage of this situation. Infact, i'd say it's quite common, considering a
13 year old girl from my neighbourhood just had a baby boy yesterday.
Last edited by Fivah; Jul 27, 2011 at 11:47 PM.