Christmas Lottery
Apparently you guys don't actually have anything to do with nabi, so you're going to have to pick a new name to avoid any sort of confusion about that. Let me know when you've got one.
Um how does Dark Chaos sound guys with a tag of DC :]
Also add me as a co-ldr >_>
Oh you did already :P
Belt: Black
Alt accounts:none
Best Mods:akido,akidobigdojo,wushu,runkido
Why you want to join:I want to help make friends and help the clan i play this alot
im hoping to get 2nd dan black belt.
Online Activity 1/10: 10/10
Forum Activity 1/10: 10/10
I just exploded hehehehe
Here are my suggestions.

[A] Atlantic

[Super] Super

[69] Sixty-Niners

[A] Armor

[B] Bullet

[C] Carbon
Dose is dead.

Atlantic's already been taken. If I can make a recommendation, I'd say [-Stricken] If you're looking for something intense. Or [-Chain] Chainmail.
the goblin
Looks like your going up Single allies :3
I would suggest [6s] The Sixers
From Terra Nova :L

I'm the chicken.
M 'n' M factory!
Avatar shop
Not on this game anymore.
Good afternoon, I'm grounded, so I will not be able to enter a week in the pc: (. Please do not kick me, Thank Beautiful