favoret mod swing into action
most of the time but i half to be over at freinds
whatever server i dont have favs
only if there is big lines
i just play i dont realy be mean to others
iv been hooked ever since i found this game
i am awsome at this
Favorite Mod:Wushu And Sambo
A Time That We Can Meet and Play:GMT=Lisbon uhhh 17:30
Do you get annoyed when losing?:Usually
Do you make fun of others when they lose?:If They Made Fun Of Me Yes!
Anything else you want us to know?: I luv Toribash :S
To Join Pawned :D
Belt: Brown
Favourite Mod: Taekkyon
Country: Canada
A Time That We Can Meet And Play: Maybe Tuesday To Friday well u can PM me a time
The Server To Meet In: Maybe 36? (Wushu)
Do U Get Annoyed By Losing? Well if i lose alot.(which is accually near to 10
times in a row XD)
Do U Make Fun Of Others When U Lose: Nope, unless they do it to me... well i just ignore it sometimes i don't wanna be a retard.
Anything else you want us to know?: Haven't u seen me in the server? U were in Smooth that time XD but anyhow this is my latest, "kick decap" check it out, tell me if you like it
Attached Files
1scissor kick decap.rpl (30.3 KB, 6 views)
Black Belt
instagib feet
u guys should know me by now i spend most of my time in ur clan server
Last edited by Frost-Dragon; Jun 19, 2008 at 03:18 AM. Reason: typo =}
Belt : Blue (23 games away from brown)

Favorite Mod : Sambo

Age : 14

Country : USA

Time We Could Meet and Play Anytime Any Server

Do You Get Annoyed When You Lose? I Don't This Is A Game

Do You Make Fun Of Others When They Lose? Yes,sometimes to be honest.

Anything Else YOu Want Us To Know? I have no clan history
Belt: Brown rank 5000
Age: 14 and 6 months
Country: UK, England
Time we could meet and play: Almost anytime after 4:15 except on Wednesday and Thursday.
Do you get annoyed when you lose?: Yes, secretly. People think you're a dick if you whinge about losing.
Do you make fun of others when they lose?: Only if they are dicks and are sure of their victory.
Other stuff: Good teamplayer. Get on with it attitude. No clan history.
Last edited by OldBean; Jun 24, 2008 at 08:44 PM.
Echomarine 4 the win
blue almost brown
judo or aikido
tomorrow 7pm brazil time
i like cheese
What doesnt kill you, only makes u...stranger.