Christmas Lottery
The voting system is simple:

You rank our replays according to what you think is the best replay so far for example

Vate's replay was the best. you put him in rank 1/ position number 1

1. Vate

Then you think the pitcher's replay was cool but not more cool than vat's so you put him in rank 2

1. Vate
2. Thepitcher

Same goes for the third

2. Thepitcher
3. S81hanumbershitbricks


new rule! you just rank up to 3 :P
[Hunters] Pack Elder | Events squad leader | RSO | MMO
Yes next week.

Lumi, if I beat you then I have a good chance in ORMO right? ;O
[Hunters] Pack Elder | Events squad leader | RSO | MMO
Already am. Give me your best shot! ;O I'll try my best to beat you! :|
[Hunters] Pack Elder | Events squad leader | RSO | MMO
Originally Posted by Lynx View Post
Lumi's gonna fuck dis shitz up ._.

He is going to mercilessly Burn our Women and rape our churches

Oh well, No dreams for me ;_;