Hey you seemed cool "Butcher" and can make videos huh? You can help us at our clan vid
Hello, I am Tapdatass.
I am writing to you today to inform you that I would like to participate in your Awesome skilled clan. I was also informed by many members that your clan is superior and sophisticated to all your members. I would like to join to engage my gaming experience through this clan by meeting new people and co-operation with other team members. A little bit about my Toribash status... I'm a Brown Belt at the moment getting close to that all important Black Belt and I would consider my self to be a great team member. My name is Daniel and my nick-name is Dan... My QI is 734. My favourite mod is Judo but I also like to contribute to other game modes as well. I live in England and my age is 17. My email address is [email protected] / I have skills in video making and editing. I use a HD PVR to capture my footage. and last of all my Usercard url is this: www.toribash.com/usercard/tapdatass.png Thank you for your time reading this application. "Tapdatass"