Hello guys.
Most of you may already know me.
Anyway, for those who don't.
My name is Francisco I'm 15 years old a few months away from turning 16,I am Portuguese.
I'm just a regular social and outgoing teen,I get along pretty much with everyone.
During the time I've been around Syn as a Single allie I've received some invites from some members,that was one of the reasons that made me do this application,I also like Syn's activitie i pretty much everything ingame,IRC and on the forums.
About past clans,I've been in two clans wich I was leader on The Prophecy and I was co-lider in NeXus, so yes I'm a pretty loyal member.
I usually am IRC and Forum active but due to school I'll be a bit inactive.
Thank you for reading my application.
~ iCo0n