Honestly, I think gay is fine, but when you put gay teachers in kindergarden to have them warp the minds of five year olds into thinking that they are gay, you've crossed the line. When you walk down the street in a half-cut off t-shirt and ripped jeans and so forth, you deserve to get your ass beat, not because you gay, but because you just trolled.
Im okay with gays as long as they aren't "flaming" and walking down the street with a forced lisp and rainbow shirt.
ALSO, you can not say gay is genetical, monkeys only have sex with other males because they are horny, they don't think they look better, they are not smart enough to judge on looks.
P.S Many gays only go gay because they have had no luck with women.
The amount of ignorance displayed is rather appalling...
One, homosexuality is genetic, not a choice. Homosexuals are aware of their homosexuality from a young age, something that would not be evident if it were a choice, as sexual interest only develops around age 10 for most people. Homosexuals are aware of their difference as early as 6. Homosexuals also have similar fingerprint patterns to those of the opposite gender, more so than heterosexuals of the same gender. Homosexuality increases in prevalence among consecutive male siblings, with the first male having roughly a 3-4% of being homosexual, and an increased chance of 1% for all subsequent male births of being homosexual. And those are just a few examples of evidence supporting genetic influence. In fact, all evidence points towards homosexuality being genetic rather than choice.
Likewise, two, homosexuality is not passed on like some disease from one person to another. Adoptive children of homosexual couples are no more likely to become homosexual than children raised in a traditional family. If anything, the only visible difference that has been observed is that children who grow up raised by a homosexual couple exhibit greater empathy and tolerance than children who grow up in a traditional family. Small sample but, if it holds true with the population, then there's no reason to oppose adoption by a homosexual couple.
...I don't want to see 2 gay guys sitting next to me at a restauraunt kissing each other...
At first I was all marriage should be banned and bla bla bla
Then I was like...why do I care?
Then I was like...they shouldn't have kids because that kid might turn out to be gay.
then I was couples want kids...
Then I was like...I feel sorry for the kid
Along the lines of homosexuality being natural, how could something natural cause a disease such as AIDS?
I'm in no way saying I'm extremely educated on this subject, but from my point of view, it seems to do more harm than good, 'love' or not.
Honestly, I think gay is fine, but when you put gay teachers in kindergarden to have them warp the minds of five year olds into thinking that they are gay, you've crossed the line.
When you walk down the street in a half-cut off t-shirt and ripped jeans and so forth, you deserve to get your ass beat, not because you gay, but because you just trolled.
Im okay with gays as long as they aren't "flaming" and walking down the street with a forced lisp and rainbow shirt.
P.S Many gays only go gay because they have had no luck with women.