Originally Posted by PinkSand View Post
You posted 10 times and your forum activity is 8 out of 10? D:?

Hm, well you've posted 9 times and your forum activity is apparently 6 out of 10.
My Application
Name: MoneyGamer | (Real Name): Joshua
Age (optional): 16
Location (optional): Clarksville, Tennessee, USA.
GMT (optional): Don't know. :P
Belt: Brown
Rank: 48189
Preffered Mods: Aikido, Aikido Big Dojo, Judo.
Mods you excel at: Aikido, Akido Big Dojo, Judo
Forum activity (()/10): 2
Ingame activity (0/10): 9
Information about yourself: I like to game, not that much about me. Win most of my time in aikido big dojo, and judo.
Contact info (facebook, skype, email etc - optional: (Facebook): (Email): [email protected]
Name: Tristan Corner
Age (optional): Well it is optional so i won't say.
Location (optional): Estacada Oregon Usa
GMT (optional): Look at my location...
Belt: Black (less then 700 games to 2nd dan)
Rank: 186 or if you mean clan rank here it is:HERE
Preffered Mods: Judo and wushu
Mods you excel at: Judo and wushu
Forum activity (()/10): 5-7
Ingame activity (0/10): 7-10
Information about yourself: Well there is not much else to say...
Contact info (facebook, skype, email etc - optional): Still optional.
QuickRaze, rejected.
pyps and Buck, accepted and invited. Please stay active.
MoneyGamer, you must quit your current clan before joining another, rejected.

Shigegio nah, I was INVITED to the clan for no apparent reason last night while playing aikido big dojo. I didn't want to pass up in a clan offer.
Age (optional):14
Location (optional):Livingston,Scotland
GMT (optional):GMT +1
Rank:Cant Remember, Sorry.
Preffered Mods:Aikido,
Mods you excel at:Aikido,Judo
Forum activity (()/10):5/10
Ingame activity (0/10):9/10
Infromation about yourself:I am from Scotland I make videos on youtube and do graphics.