While surely a convenient way of getting rid of items. Also would cause TC amounts to increase by a ton. Far better just to list things low enough for a bot to nick em.
Or just throw em in a set and leave em there. (or donate to MagicalSack ?)
U guys should consider sinking items, that leads to less items and more sinked tc by shop.
Destroy everything in banned or dead accounts.
more lotery's!
I am selling cookies and cake click for more information
No market at all just click a sell option, Sending the item back to the shops for a restocking.) And Get 75 Percent from the original Cost. (If You get the item from Market, Then the price is Reset to the normal price at tori shop.) So If Your Low on Tc, And Need some, Make sure to check your deactivated with this wonderful creation.
i dont know if this has been brought forward, but what if there was a recall part of the shop where if you buy something, and you dont want it later, you can just select your item and give it back for the tc you had paid for it. this would get rid of A LOT of hassle for the people with many items and no sales.