View Poll Results: How expensive is your Tori?
Under 5k
23 Votes / 12.04%
Around 5k
7 Votes / 3.66%
Around 10k
8 Votes / 4.19%
Around 30k
24 Votes / 12.57%
Around 40k
6 Votes / 3.14%
Around 50k
15 Votes / 7.85%
Around 70k
9 Votes / 4.71%
More than 80k
99 Votes / 51.83%
Voters: 191. You may not vote on this poll
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Originally Posted by box View Post
This may be helpful.

Total: 827986 TC

Not adjusted for no-qi full void's special value - I see some guy added 300k to his value because of no-qi force, so I figure I should add another 4.8mill XD
wow O_O
mines worth 64k
i just did NutHug his stuff is worth...12894313TC not including body joints O_o
Last edited by utaniam; Oct 10, 2012 at 04:08 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
[TGS]Natejas: Wow, you have a very nice dong
Why does that link say right leg vamp trails are worth more than left leg vamp trails? :s What extrinsic worth does the right leg have over the left leg?

Also, 400 something k. And that's not with the demon force. That would probably bring it to 500k or something.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
How does everyone have to money to customize their tori's. The only thing i have that is worth money is my gradient.
A hasbeen like the rest