Christmas Lottery
Meh forget it, we waited too long, and i didn't pay enough attention to the thread, missed a page. He stopped accepting clans nearly a day ago. Should've just signed us in, time would've been easy enough to manage after that :B.
But why's the rum gone? :v
snob m0lf, Llc contacts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ December 13, 2012 rcarey RelaxAll
Clan war proposal
Gentemen, Our clan m0lf, Llc is the one of few improvisation wushu clans and official subsidinary of fl0w Inc. We entered toribash scene almost 3 years ago and focus mostly on wushu and wushu-like mods. We support and maintain TeamWushuŽ, TrueAikidoŽ, Toribash Boxing LeagueŽ, GCIŽ aswell as hosting various events, tourneys and betting servers. We would like to arrange a friendly clan war with your clan on December 14. We advice you to get familiar with our terms and conditions to avoid any possible missunderstanding from both sides. Model terms and conditions form 1. Clan war participants from both sides are not allowed to ragequit. 2. Insulting their opponents is forbiden. 3. Abusing server admin powers is not permited. 4. Disregarding any of these conditions will result in breaking CW agreement. We would like to use gamerules stated below for proposed clan war. Mod: brushu.tbm Wage: 1k Win conditions: 7 wins. Additional rules: no openers, cb all the time. Sincerely, Clan manager snob Enclosure
greetings and a warm welcome.

on behalf of relaxall, we accept your proposal of a war. however i question if the 14th is a date we can rendezvous .During catching you within Toribash i requested the date to be on Sunday the 16th. we will further discuss a date. if we continue with my personal date we could gather more troops.
Last edited by killer3366; Dec 14, 2012 at 12:01 AM. Reason: m0lf is gay
Why don't you fax me that fancy app ;d. On a serious note,is the shindig time good enough? Also i'll make a thread for these things when i have time. Prolly gona dump the relaxionary though it's a good relic from the good old days ;d it has no use.

Also, sup swooya.. Stop being so damn inactive, i want to play with joo! ;d
Last edited by k6vamees; Dec 14, 2012 at 12:09 AM.
But why's the rum gone? :v
Originally Posted by Slycooper View Post
sexiest post i've ever seen, snob.

also lets enter this

It has started quite a while ago.. Wanted to make an entry, but was too uncertain as to who might participate. Should've just picked names and given it a chance ;d. My bad, won't happen again with events like these. :v
But why's the rum gone? :v