Originally Posted by
-Free games with PS+ For games that came out months ago that you probably already have
You buy every game within a few months of release? So rich @_@
Originally Posted by
-PS+ cheaper than Xbox live Gold 10 dollars more for many more than the ps4 has to offer for ps+
I just want multi player though, not all the extra junk that MS packaged it with so they can up the price :/ Same goes for Sony too though...
Originally Posted by
-Sony allows indie developers to self-publish It's filter is designed to stop the indie market from becoming like the iOS app store which is mostly laden with crap games and other junk
That's good though. We get lots of good indie games without Angry Birds XVIII: Osaka Edition
Originally Posted by
-$100 cheaper Not only does it pay for itself but it also comes with a next generation motion capture device that they have improved on significantly since last time and is unarguably better than the ps4 camera. Not only that but it will only get cheaper as time goes by
PS4 will also get cheaper as time goes on :I
I've seen a lot of cool stuff with both devices, but like you said "it's only on __ only exclusives are going to have then and it will most likely be a gimmick". How many Kinect or Move games do you play regularly?
Originally Posted by
-Doesn't force you to use a camera Again with the damn camera? YOU CAN TURN IT OFF PEOPLE
But they said it won't work unless the cam and mic are on, right?
Originally Posted by
-removable, replaceable Harddrive External storage is a thing for the Xbox
I think he is talking about the internal storage. In the last 5 years storage sizes and speeds have changed a lot FYI.
Originally Posted by
-Superior hardware... That will make little to no difference to the actual game because unless you were trained to spot the difference, the minimal graphical improvement won't really stand out.
Just go play xbox one then... Everyone could see that PS3 had better graphics than xbox360, I think people can see the difference between xbone and ps4 too...
Originally Posted by
-More exclusives Since when do exclusives make the console? It doesn't matter if it has more exclusives if we don't even know if they'll be good
PS has always had better exclusives. And bungie (the saviour of the xbox) is now making cross platform, so I think this is a no-contest...
Originally Posted by
uwotm8? http://www.gameskinny.com/axczt/the-...e-for-xbox-one Also read this, take note that this was before they removed drm (and is it me or is it pretty cool of microsoft to remove it all in the space of two weeks? Consider how long it took Nintendo by comparison to fix the 3DS’s pricing problem (six months). And that was considered fast.
They shouldn't have done dumb thing int he first place... Why would they think it's ok to do that...
That article is clearly bias towards xbone and are just trying to defend it... But even they say it themselves "The PS4 is being released primarily as a gaming platform, and in way definitely has the Xbox beat in that respect." Ignoring that the author has terrible grammar, even the xbone shill thinks the PS4 is better for gaming.
> gg
"Do these extra features that need constant internet connection to function optimally, justify once a day check-ins? Probably not, but it is an understandable necessity with the package. If it didn’t, we would have crippling update times whenever we started up the system"
Lol the author has no idea how computers work.