Unloyal mother effer..................

Do we have our own server?

PS - Can I have a branch off clan? just asking
Last edited by TheJanitor_old; Oct 6, 2008 at 11:31 PM.
u knpw its like u gota do the aplication and im no leader but i can tell all of u thys dont fu** whyt me and *the clan
Goldenfist: hey surf wanna do an omg fight
(sigma)surf: Omg tottaly
Originally Posted by Killer66 View Post
Hello evrybody!!!

i dont know in what kind of server i can be tested

please answer to my question!

pls du aplication hen wer are all friends
Goldenfist: hey surf wanna do an omg fight
(sigma)surf: Omg tottaly
dude, G-fist, use the edit button pls

PS - I'll ask night if i can test u demonic, kk?
Last edited by TheJanitor_old; Oct 7, 2008 at 11:32 PM.
hey guys ^^

My name is Moltee...

I play since a few month now but never was in a clan. My belt is black... first dan... my fav mods are classic and tk
I think I'm not so bad and could represent this clan (hopefully ^^). Idk if it's important but i'm online nearly everyday but not very active in the forum...

Ok... something personal:

My real name is Malte, I'm male... 17 and from germany...

I want to join this clan because you guys seem to be very cool and I don't want to fight alone (You know what I mean... as a singlefighter...)

I hope you'll take me ^^

Have fun :-)
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