Getting rid of him probably wouldn't do much. If he's as awesome as he acts, he'd stay up all night making new accounts and spamming, and I'd stay up all night undoing everything he does.
However, I don't want to stay up all night.
If we let him rage out, he'll come back tomorrow saying 'Gee you guys, I sure do feel silly for all that shouting what I did, I hope you'll all forgive me and we can just be the best of friends from now on.' And then everything will be rainbows and lollipops and unicorns, the end.
Edit: never mind, I'll take some preventative action. Can't seem to make up my mind today.
Another edit: yeah, someone else got there first. I guess it's sleepy time now, instead. Nighty night.
Last edited by ManBreakfast; Aug 5, 2008 at 07:56 AM.