1-Real Name: Hans Christian
2-Real Age: 12
3-Belt: Black
4-Ur Forum Active From Scale 1 To 10 - 8
5-Ur InGame Active From Scale 1 To 10 - 10
6-Right About Ur self : Hello, I am TGTobakshi. I don't like being pushed. I like sandwiches. People call me TGT or just Tobakshi. My favorite mods are judo (sorry :3), mushu, judofrac, aikidobigdojo and jousting. I am mostly on the judo and greykido tourneys. I don't like losing. I am currently being trained by my brother to spar.
7-Skype if Yo have one - Sorry. Don't have skype
If I wasn't in a clan I would be happy I'm not in this clan. I would put no effort into my application and get into the clan
My Ask