Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by protonitron View Post
I will give a quote the writer Samuel Johnson to make myself seem more intelligent than I actually am: "Depend upon it, sir, when a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully."

When you know you only have before you die you are not likely to get distracted and forget about it. People with near death experiences (the kind where they stay concise, not the one where they mistake their brain shutting down for going to heaven or something like that) often experience extremely fast thought and notice everything about that moment before what would be death if they hadn't have survived to tell the tail. We know that through hypnotism the brain can recall shockingly detailed and accurate memories which the patients did not even know they had so it is far from impossible that the brain would start to over focus if it realised that it could turn into a jam like substance on the pavement several stories below it. It is possible (in my extremely unprofessional and unqualified opinion) that the brain might not always maintain this state of awareness in order to avoid damaging itself like a computer can if it overheats. Maybe the body realises that it doesn't matter too much if you become a bit brain damaged and pumps all the adrenaline it has left into any receptor cells close enough before you hit the ground.

Nevertheless I understand that depressed people can seem almost unstable as a result of how irrational they are but I do not think this is true. Although the usual cliches of telling people they have a lot to live for and that they are beautiful over an internet chat room to try to cheer them up is obviously futile, I would argue that (from personal experience) simply offering friendship and also logical and realistic advise can help people. You don't need to say "everything will get better" to depressed people because this will not work, just explain that you want to give any advise or opinion about anything to help them. If you agree with people about how terrible some things are but tell them that other things aren't so bad then this is probably (in my unprofessional and slightly more qualified opinion) going to help a bit more than mindless generic hollow compliments and cliche instagram quotes about life.

I think what I am trying to say is that people who jump off buildings are not so much more illogical then everyone else. If we were more logical we would be computers, the brain is messy, they tried to make a computer like the brain but because of the size the signals leaked and it got inaccurate and slowed it down. The development team then realised this was what happens in the brain, signals leap between synapses causing unprovoked thought. Possibly millions of people still believe that people from different nations are not as valuable as them, racism is proof of the lack of logic in modern society. This doesn't stop anti racism campaigns. We are all illogical and that isn't always bad so if, in a lapse of rational though, someone thinks the only way out is to kill themselves then this doesn't mean they are, in general and on average, unreasonable people. I think most people (and certainly me) have, at several stages of their life, done illogical things. When I say illogical I don't mean absent minded and forgetful, I mean overreacting over something small and destroying something valuable (In my case it is usually something I have made, like a paper flower or a friendship) or doing something with large and undesirable consequences.

Sorry for my disordered writing style and my vendetta against correct punctuation. I hope it wasn't to hard to decipher. Thank you for reading
When I say personal experience I mean by trying to prevent someone from killing themselves over the internet as I have already mentioned. I think my friend's (I only know him through the internet and by trying to help him but we shared some fun moments while chatting so to me he is a friend) recovery is proof that people can recover from "that point". he did try to kill himself and thankfully failed and is now recovering and the last time I talked to him he said he was getting better.

I don't want to say this to try to prove that I am a good person, I only talked to them because they listened to me and thanked me at a time I was feeling pretty irrelevant so my actions were partially selfish. I only mentioned it because it is relevant to the discussion and to encourage other people to give that kind of support because often it is quite rewarding.

Once again, thank you for reading.

I second this, being in a near death experience myself. Sure it wasn't a suicide attempt, but just the fact of impending death is the same. I remember every little thought that went through my brain when I was out there, and I was on pain medication the preceding weeks. It has also been a few months since it happened, so in a way it is a lot like the situation you are saying is "highly unlikely" (oracle).
Wow. That is a very long quote.

Thank you for backing me up. It is good to know that the half made up arguments have some truth in them after all.
Good morning sweet princess
As someone who has tried suicide 4 times in the last 3 months, this thread is a little ridiculous to me.

Life sucks. There is no measurement of Life-Suckiness. What may seem little to you is big to me. You can't compare that. Doing so is like comparing a boulder and a pebble. They're both stones.

Oh right, let's get this out of the way now. I'm 13 years old. Feel free to completely disregard everything I'm about to say because of that, I don't mind that much.

Most of the stuff that I'm going through to make me like this has to do with school. I won't go into too much detail.

Suicide is an attempt at an escape. Escaping life when it sucks. When you've got nowhere else to go, suicide seems like the only option. Someone who is suicidal is not sick in the head, chemically imbalanced, stupid, naive, or selfish. They are having trouble in their lives right now, and in the thick of it, it seems like the sadness will never stop.

It's not something to belittle. It's not teenage angst or attention seeking. It's seriously real. I can't stand it when people say, "You just need to get your head in the game! It's not that big of a deal!".

Suicide is an escape tactic. It is not stupid or ridiculous. It's just as valid as running away or sitting in your room all day, alone, talking to nobody. It's a real thing. And people who are dead and gone now do not need condolences and speeches and kind-hearted eulogies.

They needed someone to do something. Give them another escape option before suicide becomes the only thing left in their heads. I'm living in a house with just my mother who doesn't understand what the hell I'm talking about when I try to explain to her what I'm feeling.

It's not a medical condition, it's an escape attempt. You shouldn't be looking at like a scientific study.

That's all I had to say.
Boerhae, making a glorious return!
Well said. I don't really want to argue with something as beautifully written as that but I just want to say that depression can be caused by a whole load of things as well as just wanting to escape.
Good morning sweet princess
Originally Posted by Kradel View Post
If God wanted you to commit suicide he would have added: Thou shalt end thy life. To the 10 commandments.

When your thinking about commiting suicide remember that your alive, your the lucky one.

Hi I vote that we keep the lord out of this, because frankly religion has nothing to do with suicide.

I think that suicide is a reckless thing to do, but a few friends of mine and even my mother have attempted.

It's an escape.
And to be perfectly honest, it does solve your problems.
goodbye cruel world
Sure, it solves your problems, but it gives everyone around you problems.

Surely, there are other means than suicide that can help you with your problems. Sometimes it's just hard to see what other options you have.

Originally Posted by Kradel View Post
If God wanted you to commit suicide he would have added: Thou shalt end thy life. To the 10 commandments.

When your thinking about commiting suicide remember that your alive, your the lucky one.

And wow, I'm pretty religious myself, but that is just plain dumb.
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<augans> youre my thiggist
<Muze> Id like to say, I don't apologize, I'm a tough guy in irl and I will be a tough guy in a video game. Ok that's it.

it gives problems to people around you because it's an emotional shock for them and an unexpected event they never thought it could happen. if they knew you wanted to do it beforehand they'd be able to try to fix you up and eventually everything would be fine (hopefully).

ps: ferras check pms ;~;
Originally Posted by Ferras View Post
Sure, it solves your problems, but it gives everyone around you problems.

Surely, there are other means than suicide that can help you with your problems. Sometimes it's just hard to see what other options you have.

And wow, I'm pretty religious myself, but that is just plain dumb.

Originally Posted by pal View Post
it gives problems to people around you because it's an emotional shock for them and an unexpected event they never thought it could happen. if they knew you wanted to do it beforehand they'd be able to try to fix you up and eventually everything would be fine (hopefully).

ps: ferras check pms ;~;

Not my point.
My point is that when you commit suicide all of your troubles are gone.
If someone honestly cared about other people it wouldn't stop them.
But humans are pretty 'selfish' for lack of a better term.

I've gone through the depression stuff with my mother, when I was like 5 until around age 10. Times where I had to make my mother get out of bed, or she'd just sit all day. And I know damn well she wanted to kill herself. She didn't, but if I wasn't around I'm sure she would have.
goodbye cruel world
ive tried to kill myself... twice... after the 1st time i got teased for trying and failing to kill myself so i tryed again... im still alive though i still feel like i want to just... not exist in the real world... so thats why i play toribash... i play it ocnstantly... because nobody can hurt me there... in games you can be whoever you wanna be... i hate my life
Much shmexiness
I had a rough childhood growing up. Abusive biological dad and an abusive step dad. I tried to commit suicide in the summer before 6th grade. Later on in life I joined the Air Force and did 6 years as military police. After I got out I had seriously considered suicide again, came extremely close. Mainly because of the anxiety/depression from childhood experiences plus anxiety/depression from military experiences. I had 4 friends that I knew very well commit suicide while I was in the military. It's just really sad. I'm always afraid of becoming a statistic with regards to the number of veterans that commit suicide.

Suicide is and will always be a serious issue. I occasionally have to tell myself that a permanent solution like suicide isn't the answer to a temporary/treatable problem.