TuniBoys application in English:
Hi Hulk,
My name is Tuncay and i'm 13 Years old
I'm from Turkey but i live in Germany(Hamburg)
I like to play football and Karate
My fav game is Toribash. I like to play DBZ battle of Z too.
I am black belt in Toribash. My fav mods are: aikido,abd and mushu.
My QI:1598
Win Ratio %: 55.38
Forum activity (6/10)
Ingame activity(8/10)
I know Hulk from Gamma cuz i had to fight him in a clan war with my other clan.
I was in Sinon b4. ConCon gave me a warning cuz i havent posted on the clan forum on the last 4 days. I couldnt read the message cuz i wasnt there. I saw it after he kicked me.
I hope you are going to accept me
German answer: Ganz nett
Aber weil du ja noch schwarzgurt bist muss ich dich ja ingame testen aber das weisst du ja. Du solltest auch wie bei Sinon versuchen bei uns sehr viel zu posten replays fragen etc.
English answer: Nice app
But you know you are black belt that means we have to test u ingame but i think u know that. You should try to post much stuff here Replays questions etc.