Originally Posted by Vigilante View Post
Go rub your nipples, faggot.

YOUR POOPniG? feel these nipples!

19:08 <@SlainVeteran> FINNISH
Howdy y'all! I was just rustlin' some of that there cattle, and decided to pay a visit to this here bncy clan. I has experience in cattle drivin', horse manuverin', and I also do some of that there single playerin', and I have none of that little thing called a life. I can make a mean barbarque, and I know how get anybody to squeal like a little piggy. My idol is fellow texan, George W. Bush, he's kept me going through all of my numerous bear hunts. I miss that man since he moved to that there D.C.
So, y'all consider me for this here clan, or I'll beat boaf like a wee little doggy!
Last edited by BlackBear; Sep 3, 2008 at 03:24 AM.
[17:02] <Homer> anyone up for some tb?
01[17:09] <BlackBear> No.
[17:12] <Homer> >.>
[17:13] <Dafe> TB is what killed Doc Holiday.
[COLOR="Red"]hey guyze i wants to joyn!!112eleven

i am ub3r sexeh here look mah body[/B]

yah tahts relly me! i r no liear

if yah like girlz moar i has a sistar too!!

*boun ce**bloodym ess**bloo dymess* randomsmileys
My deviantART
so wut?