Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by Hattersin View Post
I find this very saddening that despite my efforts to explain you seem to twist or be uncooperative in trying to at least understand what I'm saying.
It is not about opinions, which I tried proving. Nor is it about experience but facts and research into the topic.
We've come to the point where we're simply disagreeing or arguing about what was said or not said.

Let me just upload this screenshot of the idea behind this mans words.

Be mindful that this was in their clan war server that they were hosting vs another clan.

I took initiative to put myself in the line of fire and visit because I was ready to hear what he was going to say. I was respectful when I entered and waited for Hattersin to post first. To post this is hilarious on how its only partial of what he said vs the insults from the beginning. Hattersin you crack me up.

It's funny how you only upload partial of the conversation. I like how how people tend to assume things. After I stated my facts Hattersin quickly came quiet. I said my peace and my kids turned out fine. So lets finally end it here. Hattersin I hope your future kids will teach you a lesson.
Last edited by -ian-; Oct 26, 2014 at 05:54 AM.
Ah yes, very brave of you to join our dangerous server...?

I do not see how this can be seen as taken out of context and I will gladly repeat what I said before, that what you claim is retarded.
The fact that you have avoided the simple question should prove things for anyone who still can't decide their ground on who's right here.

Why do you keep running from my arguments?
Here, I'll give you another shot at answering this simple question which seems to be the basis of your opinion.
Last edited by Hattersin; Oct 26, 2014 at 06:14 AM.
PM me with any and all questions
Originally Posted by Hattersin View Post
Ah yes, very brave of you to join our dangerous server...?

I do not see how this can be seen as taken out of context and I will gladly repeat what I said before, that what you claim is retarded.
The fact that you have avoided the simple question should prove things for anyone who still can't decide their ground on who's right here.

Here, I'll give you another shot at answering this simple question which seems to be the basis of your opinion.

Hattersin, I rest my case, you already showed immaturity by posting partial of what was said in ingame chat. I answered you already and I don't need to repeat myself. So please, get of your high horse and take a chill pill. Any post after this will be ignored. Thanks.
Your answer was that I wasn't allowed to answer because I don't have kids.
There's no way to take what was being said here out of context. There's nothing you could've possibly said before or after to have this make sense.
If you intend to end this long discussion with running that's out of my control.

Here, third try, come on now. It's not painful to simply repeat your answer if you say you've said it before.
It takes longer to write a post trying to end the discussion without anyone noticing you're avoiding the question.

Last edited by Hattersin; Oct 26, 2014 at 06:15 AM.
PM me with any and all questions
Originally Posted by JayXManHD View Post
Yes, but a kid should know not to do stuff like because they should know not to do that. People make mistakes and a parent should teach kids a lesson when they do something wrong.

>they should know not to do that
thats exactly my point, they do. did you read what i wrote or did you forget how to read half way through what i typed? they do it out of spite in cases like mine.
I was always told by my mother not to hit first when in an argument. But she still hits when she gets really pissed at me. Despite the hypocrisy, I listened to what she said because I knew it was right.

Every time I see something related to parents beating children I always put it in my head a that I'm never doing that to my future children. What I hate most about child beatings is that many parents use it as a means of venting out anger as opposed to teaching their kids a lesson.
Last edited by Bulletron; Nov 17, 2014 at 09:24 AM.
a spoon.
A lot of you are likening corporal punishment to full blown physical and mental child abuse. I was hit when I did stupid shit and it didn't make me hate my parents, it didn't make me rebel or do more stupid stuff to spite them and it didn't make me afraid of my parents or find comfort in drugs or alcohol. My parents had every right to discipline me how they thought was best and I couldn't be happier about how I was raised - bandwagoning on the whole "child discipline = wrong" argument is retarded because the basis that you're relying on for your theory to be correct is comprised of slippery slopes due to the lack of distinction between "child discipline" and "beating the shit out of your children" and because the validity of your "personal experience" applies to you and you only and is not applicable to every parent/child relationship where child discipline occurs.

This does not mean that if my parents were to raise another child that they would respond to punishment the same way I did, but I doubt they'd lash out to the extremes as some of you have detailed here or suffer mentally (or even physically aside from the fact he/she had a smacked arse) because of it.

I wonder if your parents actually knew how to approach corporal punishment or if they just decided to beat you when you did stuff wrong because from what I can gather a lot of you have really, really dumb parents.
collect snots from the nose
Ok I didn't read the post above me or the conversation a few pages back but I'll put in my two cents. I come from a black family and beatings are common. If you do not beat your child it is viewed at spoiling the child, as most of the families are christian and read the bible for structure and guidance. Spare the rod and spoil the child is a scripture that I have never read but have had quoted to me many times before. It is fine to spank your child with a belt if say, they steal something from the store. But lots of times a parent takes it too far, they are mad and they pull out an extension cord. Or they take it farther and do it with their fists. I laugh when a child is babied because they did something wrong and is spanked, but if it is something like a child being annoying and they are kicked is taking it too far. Like the Adrian Peterson incident, he beat his child as a disciplinary action. I have been beat before and many times I have come back with bruises and sometimes even small cuts. But I have never not liked my parents, eventually I learned not to do certain things and the beatings stopped simple as that. So I guess my point is that beatings are fine, within reason. If its simply disciplinary so that the child won't do it again that is fine. But if a kid is clapping and the parent says stop, then the parent stomps their damn face. Then it is a serious problem.

Originally Posted by Bulletron View Post
What I hate most about child beatings is that many parents use it as a means of venting out anger as opposed to teaching their kids a lesson.

This is where beating a child goes wrong. I ended up seriously hating my mom for a very long time because after my dad left she started getting angry with herself and her life. She was usually a stay at home mom and didn't work alot, after he left and she had to work he became easily irritable and beat us almost everything. and she did it to vent her anger. My dad is still in my life but really I want my mom to leave now, I still love her, just not when she's mad.

Sorry for any grammical errors, I wrote this in a very short time.
Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
cnc is an endangered resource
Originally Posted by T0ribush View Post
You must be a native and if so, you must know of the current state of our peoples because of abuse and lack of parenting, A reserve is one of the worst places for us to grow up because we get abused, and alcohol and drugs are easy to get. This abuse because us ourselves don't know how to talk to children like our Ancestors is messed up. Just because you're uncle one out of probably 8 brothers did something with their lives does t mean other natives can do it too. The easiest thing to do is run away get high and pregnant.

And your views are quite skewed so I'm not sure how well abuse worked for you because I hardly worked for me. I grew up pissed off, my thoughts and the things I did weren't pretty.

(sorry, super late)
I agree, it isn't nice for the child, and I figured throughout my mind that there are other ways to diciplin a child with a brain, but how do you plan to tell a 5 year old right from wrong? you got to smack some sense into them (as harsh as it sounds) I wold hate to do it to my son if I had one, but you can't reason with most children that age. (like holding and moving things, physical discipline) Can anyone find a less abusive solution? Would you let your child go without dinner at FIVE or beat thrm a tiny bit? Physical pain is the quickest way to instinctively learn, considering 5 year olds have like no brain capacity. What do you all think about that?
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
Originally Posted by -Link View Post
(sorry, super late)
I agree, it isn't nice for the child, and I figured throughout my mind that there are other ways to diciplin a child with a brain, but how do you plan to tell a 5 year old right from wrong? you got to smack some sense into them (as harsh as it sounds) I wold hate to do it to my son if I had one, but you can't reason with most children that age. (like holding and moving things, physical discipline) Can anyone find a less abusive solution? Would you let your child go without dinner at FIVE or beat thrm a tiny bit? Physical pain is the quickest way to instinctively learn, considering 5 year olds have like no brain capacity. What do you all think about that?

Personally, I'd say that's not abuse. Things like slapping their head or flicking their ears when they do something wrong is fine; the kid won't like it, but he won't actually be harmed.
If a parent takes it to the next level and uses their kid as a way to vent, or causes noticeable physical harm then that's crossing a line.

I'd have to say, this depends entirely on your POV; because everyone goes through different experiences.