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Lighting/Glow Body Parts

Hello community,

I've been thinking this idea for a few weeks ago and as I've seen no one has said it on a thread. Consist about some body parts glow, for example the fists, feet and maybe inside the textures too.


Body Parts
The effect may not be like an object or a flame, needs to be attached on the body part, like the textures (but isn't that at all). It's like the inside of tori glows and as its a light, must illuminate the place and the near objects or the opponent. I honestly don't know much how this can be created but I did an illustration of this.


Lighting on textures
The way this might be possible is to make an special requirement inside the art of the texture. Maybe a pattern or a specific color can be use it to activate the glow in-game.



The intensity of the glow shouldn't be changed by users,because if it's able to change it, someone can set the intensity too high and will annoying and may lag. So it would be better and easy if its set to one level for default.

To change the color can be on the forum's options where you can select them. Each glow might be with a different color.

So this was the idea so far. I'm pretty sure you guys may have some good ideas for this.Thanks for read it, hope you like it.
Last edited by Jodus; Dec 3, 2017 at 10:11 PM.
This would be amazing, Yet prices, How much and should it be no Qi, If it does have Qi how much? And how would you make the texture glow?

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There would have to be a darker shader set to view the full effect though
*Pulls more tail then a special needs child at the petting zoo*
Originally Posted by HASSAN2000 View Post
There would have to be a darker shader set to view the full effect though

This is the issue right here. I won't comment on the neon body parts, since those would be a massive coding job that in know nothing about, but in the case of glowing textures:

Glowing textures wouldn't be that hard. I believe toribash could easily be coded to use emission maps for a glowing effect. I'm pretty sure however that this would have absolutely no effect on things around it, and would only be properly visible in a dark shader, if even then. I for one very rarely use anything but the default shader.

And toribash has enough problems with all the textures it has to deal with. having another entire set just for glow mapping would be a massive load on the servers and just cause problems.

ultimately, I support this, but it's never going to happen and probably never should.

This is actually a good a vanilla tori...Imagine Orko with his full body glowing, it would just plain bother. I am not sure if this should be supported or no, so I'll just point that out and fade....
Originally Posted by Deridor View Post
This is the issue right here. I won't comment on the neon body parts, since those would be a massive coding job that in know nothing about, but in the case of glowing textures:

Glowing textures wouldn't be that hard. I believe toribash could easily be coded to use emission maps for a glowing effect. I'm pretty sure however that this would have absolutely no effect on things around it, and would only be properly visible in a dark shader, if even then. I for one very rarely use anything but the default shader.

And toribash has enough problems with all the textures it has to deal with. having another entire set just for glow mapping would be a massive load on the servers and just cause problems.

ultimately, I support this, but it's never going to happen and probably never should.

interesting. About the textures part, the maps to trigger the glow, should then be on the same texture, not a separate one.
Imagine for example, a full colored blue texture with a transparent circle in the middle. Some code could be made to detect noncolored parts on the textures, so if it detects transparency (in this case the circle in the middle) then activate the glow. And this code should be available on the purchase of the glow item(in other words, buy the glow code) that shouldn't be so dificult and will not affect the servers at all. The glow part should be just a lighting/shaders matter, not an object or texture.
Hmmm interesting, i do think that jodus has a point (With the post above) but as said previously it would be utterly useless with the default shader, which most of the community uses.
I'm a bit iffy on it but sadly i do not support this.
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Wait so you mean like neon lights and such that can be added in and on your tori. It sounds like a stable idea for artists and people who actually know how to do it but what would a noob do XD besides make it God awful and over spam it. Just make the controls and settings extra complicated so they stay away from it kinda like the flame forge.

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The most simpel solutions in my opinion is that Toribash can work with ".dds" files, so you can put a Alpha channel in your texture which brings the Texture to glow, or you build up a new Texture item "Glowing [rigth hand] Texture" which includes a normal visble texture and an extra illumfile(Glowfile) where you can mark the sport where it glows and in which colour. (not glowing part are empty = .png file)

But i would support this idea, because it opens new ways of creat your own tori.
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