List is full, no more "what is love?" posts, i deleted few together with one backseat moderating attempt.
The list of pairs for this round is following:
Icky with DEATHarcana
Trestet with Organs
Nerobe with SerYoshi
Emile001 with Space
Swaves with TuniBoy
Leb3ast with Vincent183
krisis13 with LucidSpore
Pure with Fran
Phillip with DogSpike
Valha with Sparkyau
TheCobra with AlphanowGD
scorpionma with RedPanda
Hasea with ShoddyV2
NxRzBeast with duck
Flame with Stone
Mystery with Mathias
hamza135 with Abyss
azzeffir23 with zeto
Squigling with FleshMon
EicMontain with FistofLife
Fairfang with BountyBlade
Olly with n00BMime
Karstnator with Insanity
savlon with b3aquino
They are your partners in crime, so better use the time until i announce your opponents to meet each other.
Last edited by Scorpio; Feb 14, 2015 at 03:38 PM.