Originally Posted by 2worlds View Post
How many of you think that Marijuana should be legal?

I think it should only be legal for Medicinal purposes. But, People have other opinions about this.

For example, my friends say that they think it should be legal, because they think it is healthier than Cigarettes, Because it has less of that toxic stuff in them. This made them think to legalize Marijuana and make Cigarettes illegal. But, This is a bad idea, because People are still gonna sell cigarettes on the street corner :o.

But I disagree with this though, I mean, there has to be a reason why Cigarettes are legal, and Marijuana isn't. Also Marijuana has a more screwed up effect then Cigarettes...

Oh well, I want to see your opinions.

What kind of a Question is that....Of course it should be legal. Although it is in my eyes.

Life consists of things,that when together are in perfect harmony :

A good wine ------> Fish
Male ------> female
Me -------> alcahol
Marijuana ------> Music
Originally Posted by Vespesi3n View Post
I'm being serious.

Well maybe he was being sarcastic, so now you're waiting for him to be stricken with glaucoma or something so you can tote up on his medicine.
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He who was the butt of the joke reserves no right to say "that wasn't funny."

Originally Posted by Crest1990 View Post
i believe that marijuana should be legalized. it's less harmful to your body than cigarrettes and alchohol, and has medicinal purposes.

@drummer: also, cigarrettes can make you high, if you're a new smoker, you may experience a "nicotine buzz" which i find quite enjoyable.

Nicotine buzzes aren't even close to half of the marijuana effect, and and it barely happens, only to new smokers.
If marijuana gets legalized, people will get more motivated to drive or operate machinery under the influence, causing more accidents or even death. Alcohol is bad enough as it is because dumbasses don't know how to DRINK RESPONSIBLY.
I have left Toribash, but will drop in occasionally on the forums and IRC. Still in Sigma.
Originally Posted by Juntalis View Post
You amaze me with how retarded you manage to be, KBASHER. Is there any critical thought process, or do you just have a "stupid" Tourette Syndrome?

<--KiTFoX says no to flaming others.
>>The Official Guv'na Fan Club<<
o7[OLDA] pride, world wide o7

He who was the butt of the joke reserves no right to say "that wasn't funny."

High effects differ in some people. I've known people who can concentrate very well and some people who are completely dumb and obnoxious while under the influence. It's just dangerous when those who can't control themselves control machinery. DesertPunk's point of view seems like he does better when high, but very seldom would I find a person with that capability. It all differs because we take the effects differently.
I have left Toribash, but will drop in occasionally on the forums and IRC. Still in Sigma.
Wow none of you know what you are talking about. Has a percentage of you even ever smoked Marijuana? Lets put it like this. 1. Marijuana is healthier then Cigarettes. 2. Marijuana is not a gateway drug. 3. Most of the governments problems with prisoners are Marijuana related charges. Lets say this. You Legalize Marijuana. 45% of the prison population would go down hence saving the government money. I think you all need to get your facts straight. Marijuana does not make people stupid. Marijuana helps prevent alzheimers. If the government were to Legalize Marijuana. Alot of people would quit doing it. Have you ever noticed that a majority of people only do something because it is against the law? People under the age of 18 smoke because it is wrong for them to do so. Same thing with Alcohol. Most people under 21 drink becasue it is illegal for them to do so. And once they turn 21 they feel no need to because it is not fun anymore. If you ask me. I am 100% for legalization of Marijuana. Marijuana is not addictive. And like I said before. Marijuana is not a Gateway Drug. They have done test to prove it. They have also done test to prove it is 3 times healthier for you then Cigarettes. Yeah that is about it.
Your What Hurts? Ahh Thats too bad. I thought you were in pain.
TheDoc. says: You're retarded, -SmarterChild- says: Yeah, I guess I am retarded.

i ttly agree with you.
i have also smoked weed quite a bit and i know whats its like to do work baked i have finished 10 step equations in like 1 min.
and got them right.
LoL Ok lets say this.. I forgot to mention it in the earlier post. Lets have a look at this. People with ADHD. They take medication for it right? Lets ask some people with ADHD this. Have you ever smoked Marijuana without taking your Medication? It does the same thing. Most College and High School Students smoke Marijuana in order to increase their focus. Also. Driving a motorvehicle on Marijuana. IS NOT THE SAME AS DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE. Marijuana does not impare the driving ability. I know a ton of Tractortrailer drivers that smoke Marijuana. Do you think they are getting into accidents and dying? No. But yeah.. You all need to get your facts straight. And to Kai-Tiger. Marijuana does not make people stupid. And I can Garuntee. That almost 70% of Americans smoke Marijuana to calm their nerves. They're not Idiots. And with that. I leave you all here to discuss what I have just said.
Your What Hurts? Ahh Thats too bad. I thought you were in pain.
TheDoc. says: You're retarded, -SmarterChild- says: Yeah, I guess I am retarded.