you are talking about mp in fight focused context, but mp is not ONLY about fights, which you like to ignore for 2nd or 3rd time, and make a stand like sp is something absolutely different, which it is not.
mp is not ONLY about fight. this is the statement. no need to bring fight situations now. it's irrelevant. you did this twice already and we are not talking about it. no need to try to bring it up again.
if you want a crystal clear example or what we are talking about - here, again:
mp spar / parkour
sp spar / parkour
i will replhrase my previous statement into a very simple question:
we take two parkour replays, which are absolutely identical,
the only difference is that one is made in sp, another in mp with normal reaction time.
question is rhetorical, here it is:
is the player who created this awesome replay in mp within limited time to make a move, one try and with no ability to change anything objectively better that the one who spent a day making (absolutely identical by chance) replay being able to rewind it and edit it any time he wants?
this is what we are talking in a nutshell.
to sum it up, again, objectively:
the only difference between mp and sp is that in mp you are limited by time and one try.
in sp you are not.
no need to bring fight, strategies and other bs in, you will be talking out of context again.
you did it already several times, no need to repeat yourself on something we are NOT talking about.
Last edited by snake; Jul 23, 2015 at 08:38 PM.