age: 12
belt: brown
skillz: akido parkour spar
previous clans: sw
reason for wanting to join: to have a good time with the clan members and leaders and participate in war
met any members: rrdube chickinstix
accecpt to follow the rules of the clan: i will allways accecpt the rules. YES
optional: my name is joriah i am australian i like to sing and have fun and here is some replays just to show my skills
Previous clan:whisp3r
members met:RRDUBE420,DYLAN4000,ARTHEUSKAL
reason to join:i love this clan i always wanted to be in it
accept rules:yes
1. Age. 9 (I might scare you)
2. Belt. (Minimum belt is black) im blue sorry about that
3. Skills, (Mods you play best in). i decap in classic i tackle in aikido
4. Previous clans. none i registered to 2 no response
5. Reason for wanting to join. after getting kicked off of multi cause i have internet and it wont let me on i just looking for a clan you guys look good
6. Met any members? No
7. Accept to follow the rules of the clan.Yes
8. Anything els you might want to add. (Optional) After i got the fl and still have the flu now im back home and i do have steam (no toribash on it tho i have on the other site)
Belt:2nd Dan
Skiils: i'm pretty good at mushu i'm also trying to get into xspar and parkour
Other Clans: (not all of them just the ones i remember) Demon,BaD,Revel
Reasons:meeting new friends and improving my skiils with them
Members already met:Chikenstix
I Accept to follow the rules
Additional info: my real name is Domenico and i'm from Italy i'm friendly with most people and i'm always there if Someone needs me i am a gamer always was and always will be untill the day i bite the dust i always loved martial arts fighting games in General and in my opinion Toribash is one of the best of it's kind but aside from gaming i also like listening to music mainly indie rock but other genres as well i also like watching action movies (especially Jackie chan) and cooking! One of my favourite food both to cook and to eat must be roasted pork belly i hope to be considered worthy of entering this clan and have lot of good time with you guys sorry for my butchered english but i'm not a native speaker i hope you can understand