one night me and a few of my friends got a bit drunk. i woke up and found a bag of baby carrots randomly next to my head. i threw a couple at my friend chris. and he threw one back as hard as he could, and i unfortunately happened to have my eye wide open, and it hit me directly in the center of it. i spent the next hour rolling around on the floor crying, holding my eye. i can't believe that much pain could be in such a small area.
<now, stop playing toribash, and find someone to (bleep)> [Lgnd]Ethereal
Once about half a year ago or so..

I was riding my uncles nice blue bike.. I had no helmet on which my dad hates and he always tells me to put a helmet on.. but I didn't.. So anyway I continue to ride like normal.. try to pop some wheelies and riding them like 100 feet or so. So I successfully did one... I come back for the next and I when I landed my handlebars where twisted so I flew a couple feet and cracked a few teeth and split my chin open and I could see the bone..
8 stitches.. I still have a red mark from it.
Why don't you guys listen to your parents?
[23:23:53] <AndChat|700625> Blue eyes ultimate dragon best card
[23:24:29] <AndChat|700625> You know the one with 3 heads
[23:24:39] <~Lightningkid> just like my dick

[11:35:40] <box> Hampa suck
[11:36:21] <hampa> not the first to tell me that today
When i was about 4-3 years old, i was chasing my brother around the house (for the lols.). Blah blah chased him until he went to a wall, stood there, and waited for me to run at him, i ran at him with my head down (stupidly.), he went out of the way and then... You know what happens ;p "Bang ;o"

I ran into the wall and my head split. I felt water coming all over my face but i thought it was tears.

I went to my parents bedroom straight away and looked in the mirror and it's OH SHI- Bloody Mary! Yeah, my face was covered in blood. Then i burst out in tears i think...

I have a few more unlucky moments but i forgot them all.

edit: Oh yah, i still remember playing Soccer with a Basketball with my friends in year 7. Also a stupid thing to do. But only because there were no more Soccer balls. Obviously, my friend kicked the ball and it hit me in the face.
Last edited by flubbah; Nov 10, 2008 at 03:55 AM.
It makes me wonder..
Originally Posted by box View Post
Why don't you guys listen to your parents?

Sorry box unlike you we have no rightful minded parents D:
Originally Posted by Zackerie View Post
Sorry box unlike you we have no rightful minded parents D:

I can't really tell if that was an insult toward me or not.

That reminds me, one time I was at pre-game soccer practice. I kicked my ball toward the goal, and ran to get it. Little did I know that the next shooter kicked his ball. I got nailed in the face and fell unconcious for a long time.
[23:23:53] <AndChat|700625> Blue eyes ultimate dragon best card
[23:24:29] <AndChat|700625> You know the one with 3 heads
[23:24:39] <~Lightningkid> just like my dick

[11:35:40] <box> Hampa suck
[11:36:21] <hampa> not the first to tell me that today
Right, bones my thumb shattered by Saintowar (Thanks bro) My arm broken twice, nose about...6 times or something (Got into a lot of fights) and I can't remember the rest
this one time i when i was like 12 i was playing tag with my two friends now they were each about 6' 2" and i'm about 4' 5". so we were playing tag and this tree was the base and there was a short wooden fence in between the tree and the parking lot were we were playing. they can jump the fence no problem but i have to volt it. so i get tagged and i go to volt the fence and my foot hits the top rail of the fence and i fall i hear a loud crack. i thought it was the fence rail falling off the post again. i'm lying on the ground laughing and my friends are just staring at me so i try to get up and i feel a sharp pain in my left arm. i look over and my arm is shaped like a Z cracked in the middle of my forearm. i started freaking out. about a year later i get my last cast out of 6 taken off with 3 surgeries and a metal plate in my arm and two metal rods in a baggy to take home with me. oh and this all happened on the first day of summer that year.
Last edited by chumpy; Nov 10, 2008 at 04:25 AM.
*Lurking about*
There has been too many of them so I can't remember everything.
Usually they're like this happens, then I'm like "nothing can be worse" and then it happens again or something worse happens.
Oh the injuries...
The time someone hit me in the face with a baseball bat was notable...
My eye socket still has a notch in it.
I also shattered one of my toes into three pieces, broke my fingers a total of 11 times, tore all of the tendons in my knees, 3 in one single event, physically bent my radius nearly an inch, was lit on fire, put a screw through my foot, fell 6 feet head first onto concrete, bounced all the way down a lumpy ski slope that had complete frozen over and hit my head enough times I lost consciousness, dislocated my chest (which the people on irc heard about), and a various variety of other mishaps and things that I really deserved/should have seen coming.

<Ownzilas> Alright
<Ownzilas> 3'2 then
<Ownzilas> Half PID's dick.