Originally Posted by Swepples View Post
All of my dealers keep their stuff clean. They wanna be able to keep selling it no?

Also, LSD is a pretty cool drug. It sure can lead to a really bad trip but I've only had nice experiences with it.

We all have that one trusty dealer who always comin' through. Thing is, if your dealer runs out or ain't replying don't go looking for someone else because you'll most likely run into some untrusty shady shit and that's how my friend was caught up and ended up in ER. So be careful y'all. Trip safely.
I am just an icon livin'
Originally Posted by Bob View Post
With an official,regulated market, I'd like to say this problem would become obsolete, or at the very least very rare. In places where recreational marijuana is illegal, getting laced stuff is a decent risk. In places where it's legal, the government regulates it and therefore, the risk of your weed being laced is negligible

shit man, you can buy test kits or reagents for testing online really cheap. Laced pot is a bad example, i've never even heard of someone being sold counterfeit cannabis irl.. pills, powders, tabs, tar, and crystals, anything processed really, is where you'll have issues.. but unless you're a complete novice with the substance or buying off the streets you'll likely never have to deal with laced dope or sketchy cutters. there is a market for exotic chemicals and no frequent user is going to put up with getting bunk shit anyway.

If we work on reducing the negative stigma around "drugs" and just take the time to educate ourselves the rest will work itself out.

and Skulfuk, dude, wtf the way psychedelics tolerance works it sounds like your issues aren't with acid, you were just taking it out on the substance. there's no way you can actually stay tripping for more than a week straight without ending up in a psych ward the sleep deprivation alone would make you schizo. Not trying to detract from your experience but damn
Originally Posted by wikipedia


Addiction experts in psychiatry, chemistry, pharmacology, forensic science, epidemiology, and the police and legal services engaged in delphic analysis regarding 20 popular recreational drugs.
LSD was ranked 14th in dependence, 15th in physical harm, and 13th in social harm.

Come on guys its as dangerous as a fucking cigarette.

Legalize it and let real scientists with a real education, a real job with a real pay do it. Would single handed take away all the problems LSD/psilocybin have right now.
Last edited by Swepples; Dec 3, 2018 at 03:45 PM.
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